Welcome to the first episode of

‘You think you know it all.’

A platform for us to share original thoughts, ideas or what I like to call mental downloads.

Ideas that come from within us, not necessarily based on things someone has taught us or told us.

Original thoughts that originate in our own minds observed by the process of meditation and by taking the time to be present and mindful of the voice within.

We all have a voice within we are dealing with. Some try shutting that voice out, some rely solely on that voice and some of us try to balance the two. 

In no way is this platform meant to create an argument or represent absolute truths. It’s about our own original thoughts and ideas being shared with the world. I’m hoping to start this conversation with no intension of being the one finishing it.

At the same time that parts of the world are reinvestigating this idea of socialism

and enforcing equity and inclusion,

an idea that’s resurfaced mostly in particular demographics,

we’re also subdividing ourselves into these highly detailed identity groups based on personal ideology

almost an antithesis of the socialistic idea.

There’s a sense of polarity that’s happening culturally.

Along with the current technology we are able to tweet, instagram, facebook or google instantly


getting ideas and ideologies distributed very quickly by centralized and sometimes biased portals of  media,


and having a rapid positive or negative

affect  globally.

This idea of polarity has embedded itself deeply into the etymology of many words in english 

 such as politics,




the polls,

the polar ice caps!

This idea of opposing forces seems to be at the core of our culture right now.

This polarity creates the energy to unify.

If we are that polarized than perhaps it is possible that the ultimate purpose is for us to unify.

If we could use a time machine and reverse the entire life experience on earth

 perhaps we may find that all life shares the same family.

As our particular species reverse into their original forms we may find unity with other species and so on and so on all the way back to the origin of the planet itself.

The seeds and eggs that form plants, animals and humans have been unifying since the earth’s creation.

It seems that this idea of two entities coming together to make one is perhaps the purpose of life.

At least I’m presenting that as an idea and for the purpose of discussion

I’m asking to go all the way back to the beginning.

I have an idea of how the earth came into being. I believe originally earth was two different entities crashing together in space. I believe one of these entities was a rock element and the other a water element or ice element. Two very large elements compared to us. 

The impact was massive and the friction extremely volatile 

causing the combined entities to spin

and the ice to transform into a colossal steam burst.

And within the vacuum of space the steam expanded and separated the dark matter

creating an atmosphere

while the debris from this collision created our moon

which got caught between a new gravitational field created by the combined spinning rock and ice entity and the sun.

 And because there is a slight differential between that power of the gravitational pull of the earth and the sun,

the moon is always being pulled and pushed causing the earth’s rotation to swing on it’s axis,

rocking the oceans and atmosphere back and forth.

So between the ice and the rock is this constant friction like an echo of the original collision.

The pumping motion of the seas and the pressure of the atmosphere against the vacuum of space

is comparable to the moving of fluid and air by the heart and lungs.

And within this constant motion the various elements of the two entities were able to combine together at a microbiome level

and then became electrified.

And as this electrical current intensified into higher vibrational frequencies from all this celestial and terrestrial movement

there was this other perhaps dimensional existence already present since the creation of our universe or perhaps infinitely, and this dimensional existence which we can call consciousness

was then able to enter into the frequencies that bridged a unity between matter and consciousness.

Now of course I could be totally wrong.

This is just what was presented to me during meditating and observing the mind while asking these questions about polarity and unity.

Even science has to guess or theorize on the origins of life and the planet. Now the reason I believe it’s important to go back to our origins is because it’s an event we all share equally.

We are all of this earth and also not. We are all also electrical energy entities. Some of us may call it spiritual or inspiration or soul.

Wether it’s science or religion, ideologies or dogmas, these theories say very much the same thing. There’s a mystery to all this. None of us know or have all the answers.

So when we get into conversations about unity and polarity and planetary and life origins we are doing what humans and their religions have been doing for thousands of years.

Even the word Religion meaning to re-legion or to re-align alludes to this polarity to unity idea.

And since none of us have all the answers, by observing our personal theories and then sharing and discussing them we may find similarities or coincidences or even different ways to interpret our original ideas.

By discussing these original theories in real time we’re able to unlock the restrictions of dogma and institutionalism and find relevant relationships with our current experiences.

Ultimately we all come from an original source and we can discuss this source and the idea of why it’s a mystery. We can unify with this idea that we all share in this mystery. We all equally don’t know where we come from or where we are going. And together we can search within for purpose and meaning.